Help with the "Space Aid Crewneck"

You all heard about the devastating fires in the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, which have left destruction and chaos. If the situation was already tense before, the refugees are now in an even more catastrophic situation.

In order to help the people in need, we decided to donate all the profits* from our new crewneck to the "Flüchtlingshilfe Erding e.V.".

The organization mainly helps refugees in the area, but also provides support to those in need abroad. In addition to monetary donations, the refugee aid in Erding is also happy to accept clothes and other donations in kind.

Together with Rafiou Bayor (@randomrafiou) we created the crewneck in order to make a positive contribution to the current situation.

Fundraising ended on 31-12-2020!

With over 40 sold units we donated 656,00€ to the organisation.

*For every product sold, exactly 16 euros will be donated (the price consists of 11 euros in profit and an additional 5 euros from Kushmayers).